It has been a while.

They've only been able to wait, wait as the weather thunders around them, wait as the darkness falls early, as the world is inhospitable to anything but hibernation. lovingly they were put to rest, but they're getting antsy. It's almost time. 

This time of year is hardest for them. They want to be out on the road or trail, they want to move. I almost feel sorry for the bikes. They are there every time I go out to the shed, but since I often go through the worst a West Coast winter can throw at me they are left behind. 

I do feel the change in the weather coming. There's that "here-we-go" feeling that comes around every year with February. The skies stay lighter a bit longer every day. I start dreaming up schemes to get out on the bike — most of which will never come to pass — but it's starting. I think of improvements and new gear to buy, tweaks to make and new things to try. I remember what it is like to have the sun on my back and to come home after a long ride. It's exciting. 

But for now it's still a waiting game. They don't have to worry, the wait won't be much longer.
