I was so greasy, worrying about getting it on the floor of the gym. The bike I was working on hadn’t been cleaned in a while, but that’s the thing about a Repair Cafe. What you get in is what you get in.
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The national parks I know are a far cry from those envisioned by Edward Abbey and John Muir.
I’ve been trying something new.
They promote rambling, something that I think people don't do enough of these days. They make more people say yes to good times. They are about staying out late, discovering something new and getting lost
Someday the goal I have in mind would be to have a small house on a large bit of land and to work that land so that I can live comfortable on my own. Plus it would be super cool to have a fat cargo bike as a tractor.
I am going to take a long look at what biking means to me. I want to explore why I got into it, why I stayed there and what the future holds for me.
This is not about how to fix a bike. There have been countless books and posts on the subject, and for me to try and teach you how to fix a bike would be futile. I'm by no means good at it, and there are better teachers out there. This is more about how fixing a bike can fix other things at the same time.