I finally decided to see what the “video” function of my camera does.

Just kidding.

I’ve had a weird relationship, in my mind at least, with videos. I like to watch them, I usually have one playing all of the time while I’m working (don’t tell my boss), and have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of videos, films and other motion picture content.

But I really don’t like making it. Or at least editing it.

That’s probably a result of my education. I was forced to make and edit videos through school, and I really don’t like having an on-screen presence. I don’t like the fiddly editing process, and haven’t wrapped my mind around the fact that I don’t have to do it for a grade anymore.

So I decided to try it out. The video above is my first attempt. I know there are a few things that need work, like my voice is super quiet, but as a first try it’s not so bad.

Okay, about the ride. I went for a regular Sunday ride, up to the lake and back. However once I got to the lake, the rain really socked in and wouldn’t let up. Instead of calling for a ride out of there, I decided to go for it. I couldn’t get more wet, right? O

Once you stop giving a shit about stuff, like what people think of your videos or how wet you get, the more fun you have.

Anyway, this is going to become a semi-regular thing. I hope you like it. if you do, give me a like or follow on Youtube.
